Ticagrelor vs Prasugrel ISAR-REACT 5: A lesson learned

Pablo Lamelas – One of the top surprises from ESC congress 2019 was ISAR-REACT 5 trial, which concluded that in acute coronary syndromes Prasugrel was superior to Ticagrelor for efficacy … Continue reading Ticagrelor vs Prasugrel ISAR-REACT 5: A lesson learned

Complete vs Culprit Only Revascularization after STEMI: Why do we need large trials like COMPLETE?

Pablo Lamelas – Multiple small randomized trials evaluating the effect of complete revascularization in STEMI suggested that complete revascularization was associated with a marked reduction (50%) in cardiovascular death, as … Continue reading Complete vs Culprit Only Revascularization after STEMI: Why do we need large trials like COMPLETE?